Congregation Ohr HaYam - Light of the Sea
We are the only synagogue between Homestead on the mainland and Key West, a distance along the Florida Keys archipelago of some 130 miles. We serve a diverse population and visitors from around the world. We are egalitarian and inclusive. We are not affiliated with any one branch of Judaism. We welcome all. Our members are our lay-leaders and our services reflect who
we are, while being warm and welcoming.
Located at Mile Marker (MM) 93 oceanside on U.S. 1 (Overseas Highway) in Tavernier, at the southern tip of Key Largo. From Homestead go south on U.S. 1. You'll enter Key Largo at about MM 107. Continue south through Key Largo to MM 93.
P.O. Box 1332
Tavernier, FL 33070
(305) 852-5235
You're a stranger at the KJCC only once, the first time you walk through our door. After that you're mishpocha.
We hold Friday night services at 7:30 p.m. During our final Kaddish prayer, the ark is opened to show our Holocaust Torah on loan from the Memorial Scrolls Trust. Services are followed by Oneg Shabbat. We have an active Sisterhood with monthly book club, and our members get together to join in many community activities. We know that we are a Jewish outpost, and try to provide an extended family atmosphere for anyone looking for a Jewish connection in the Keys. Check the calendar for activities. Our services are hybrid with an active Zoom following. Contact us ahead of time at for an invitation.
We encourage you to look at the Chai-Lights link and read our comprehensive publication to learn about our activities and get a sense of who we are..